As DG expands beyond its original members (read: the children getting significant others), there was a need for some way to introduce Desiguru to newcomers. Not sure if you’ve ever thought about how to explain this family friend group to others, but it can get complicated pretty quickly; see below:

This was Megha’s first attempt of explaining DG to Michael. It worked well until Michael met Papai in person and was like “woah, you’re not an 11 year old child”

This was Megha’s first attempt of explaining DG to Michael. It worked well until Michael met Papai in person and was like “woah, you’re not an 11 year old child”

What began as this picture getting a much needed 2023 update ended up as a full blown website. Hopefully this site can be useful not only to new jibon shongis entering DG, but also to the OGs as a place of posterity and good memories (and remind us how special our little group is).

How is this website maintained?

Technically speaking, this is a Notion workspace being surfaced onto via Cloudflare workers (see here for more details). This was the solution Megha came up after thinking about this for 5 seconds and wanting as little technical overhead as possible.

Content-wise, current contributors include Megha Riyam and Anka. Michael was instrumental in bringing a very important newcomer perspective as one of the target audiences.

What’s planned for the future of this site?

Hopefully new memories can be maintained in the media archives; as for new pages, we hope to include the following at some point: